Refund Policy

1. Overview

At Herody, we are committed to providing our clients with high-quality project services. We understand that sometimes circumstances may arise that prevent the completion of the requested work. In such cases, we have established this refund policy to ensure transparency and fairness in resolving issues related to incomplete work.

2. Eligibility for Refund

Refunds will be considered under the following circumstances:

a. The project provider is unable to initiate the work within the agreed-upon timeframe.

b. The project provider is unable to complete the work as specified in the project order.

3. Initiation of Refund Request

To initiate a refund request, the client must follow these steps:

a. Contact Herody Support: The client must contact Herody's customer support team within [specified time frame] of the project order's completion date or within [specified time frame] of the expected start date if the project hasn't begun.

b. Provide Details: The client should provide detailed information about the issue, including the project order ID, the nature of the problem, and any relevant evidence such as communications with the project provider.

4. Evaluation and Processing

Once a refund request is initiated, Herody will evaluate the claim based on the provided information and applicable policies. The decision on whether to grant a refund will be made at Herody's discretion.

5. Refund Determination

If the refund request is approved:

a. For uninitiated projects (not started yet): The client will receive a full refund of the project's cost.

b. For incomplete projects (partially completed or not meeting the client's requirements): The refund amount will be based on the extent of the work completed and the client's satisfaction level.

6. Refund Method

Refunds will be processed using the same payment method the client used to make the initial payment. The time it takes for the refund to be credited to the client's account may vary depending on the payment provider.

7. Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute between the client and the project provider regarding a refund request, Herody may facilitate communication and mediation to help reach a mutually satisfactory resolution.

8. Refund Exclusions

This refund policy does not cover situations where the client cancels the project for reasons unrelated to the project provider's performance.

9. Policy Changes

Herody reserves the right to make changes to this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Clients are encouraged to review the policy periodically.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this refund policy, please contact Herody's customer support team at